

To establish a conference call

1) Establish call with one of the desired conference parties
2) Press the [CONF] soft-key below the LCD screen
3) Establish call with other conference party
4) Select [CONF] soft-key
5) Repeat steps 3-4 until all parties have been called.
6) Press the CONF soft-key a second time to connect all parties.


To place a Conference on Hold

Press the [HOLD] button.


To retrieve the Conference on Hold
1) Lift the handset or press the SPEAKER button.
2) Select the [CONF] soft-key.


To establish an Unsupervised Conference

1) Establish conference call as directed above.
2) Once all parties are connected and able to converse, press the [CONF] soft-key
3) Hang up.


To retrieve an Unsupervised Conference

1) Lift the handset or press the SPEAKER button.
2) Select the [CONF] soft-key.



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